So Many Cliches
So what exactly is a cliché? A quick search on Wikipedia yields the following (slightly amended) definition. "A cliché is an element of an artistic work which has been overused to the point of losing its original meaning or effect, especially when at some earlier time it was considered meaningful or novel". The "element" in question here is not just the subject matter you choose but can also apply to some approaches, techniques and even post processing options. The key is that at some point in the past an original thinker was the first to produce something "meaningful or novel". This inspired many others to attempt to reproduce it to the point where any further attempts are likely to be met with a despairing groan.Of course, we are all inspired by the work of others and there is an understandable temptation when arriving at the location of an image that we have studied in awe to try and recreate it. There is nothing wrong in this I picked a photographic cliche that actually has 2 in it......
Glass with Bokeh in the background, and a Candlelight flame
Also I picked a "Style of Photography" that has wore out it's welcome in my book. Selective Color
You know the shot. All black-and-white except for a single red rose, or a pair of red lips, or a blue tricycle. No, no, no! It’s been done over and over and more often than not the aim is to hide the fact that the photo wasn’t very good in the first place. Unless you have a compelling reason for doing it, don’t! Choose colour, or black-and-white – not both.