Macro Photography/ Trendsetter P300 Trends in Comtemporary Photography
Macro Formally known as photomacrography, macro photography is defined as extreme close-up photography is taking extremely close-up...

Seeing in Black and White
How to train your eyes to predict how a scene will look before you take the picture. Here are 4 helpful hints to think about when you...

My Trip / St. Michaels Island MD
St. Michaels is the center of a unique and magical waterworld on Maryland's fabled Eastern Shore, about halfway between the Susquehanna...

Remember What this Flag Means
I swing before your eyes as a bright gleam of color, a symbol of yourself, the pictured suggestion of that big thing which makes this...

Home Page Image
This was one of the first series of Ice Art I took with my 5D Mark3 back in January. I used a detail extractor to see what was in this...